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PostWysłany: Nie 20:51, 13 Lut 2011    Temat postu: ghd outlet Mushroom industry in the Sanjiang Plain

Mushroom industry in the Sanjiang Plain of climatic and ecological environment

1991,ghd outlet, Ken University of cultivation, should also pay attention to insulation, only water loss due to excessive culture medium inhibited growth of bacteria that cause ==!} T received training lost. Such as black fungus cultivation, in accordance with kinds of (1O/4-3O/5) before, due to wind and low moisture content tend to make the wood sub-paragraph 3i% below the li section of wood moisture content is often so low after inoculation. Difficult to restore hyphal growth, fierce and need section of wood is too dry after immersion vaccination. 2 Conclusions 2.1 out of Sanjiang region je j designate the original cool temperate with q1 good conditions for growth and development of edible fungi, many of which can not match the South should be in the industrial development 『fl, to fully assess this advantage. 2.2 rain and air? Contingent is high, is conducive to the needs of growth stage of each mushroom, three rivers of the original Ding wood,uggs bestellen, mushroom, hedgehog mushrooms and other exposed to the climatic high-yield production of article:. Sanjiang original 2.3 full advantage of the climate characteristics,moncler milano, such as early sowing in spring timely manner to prevent pollution there. j has grip. Li in the cultivation system, the use of cloth efficiency measures, you can fully avoid weaknesses, so that resources of the Sanjiang Plain, the climate benefits to the development of better. ECOCLI,: I, ICNIONM} ? TEAMrN. : 10N (- FiEDI8LEFUNCIINDUSTRY (_) THErrHREE eleven RIVERSPL eight lLiHancangWuXiyongChenShufenLiuChenghai; bst ~ actorthedeclopinentofedib_efangiindustry,belstaff milano, c0mprehensiveanalysishacelldoneOllthec1i.matiefIeSOUrcesoftheThree-rivc1 'sP1ai11arldtilconclusionisthatthee: oc1imaticenvironmentoftheThree-riversplainisinfa ~ ourofdevelopingedib'le-fungiindustry. Theclimaticcharactcristicsar.: (1) the1astinga, ldlowtemperatureisgoodforlongtimestorageandIongdistancetransporrationorediD1efungiproducfs; (2JThaiongCOOl -growingperiodisreasonablydistributedandfarorablctotheanti-cotaminationofout-dooredib1e · fungiplantinginapringandautumn; (3) theshorthot'summeieHeiiCialt, Jyear-roundproductionofthemiddleandlowtemperatur8ejible-ungiJ (4) thelargetemperaturedifferanceofdayandnightisiafavourofthegrowthoftemperature-change-growthedible-fungiandproduceshighqualityProductofthefungi; (5) roodefatePr3cipirationandhumidair.TherearalsoshortcoraingsIthe.stroagspririg-wind, whichisliabletoc? tusethegrowing-materimeingdried,tory burch reva, andtheIoi1gexcessiveco1dofwinterareal1anfarora ! _) 1etotheProduorionofedib1e-rungi.IKeywordsIEdiblefungi ~ Environment) F. kree · riversPlaia. ■ ●
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