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Wysłany: Czw 12:06, 10 Mar 2011 Temat postu: New Article Status Assist_597 |
New Article Status Assist
New Article Status AssistShare this Blog Entry: We8217;ve added something new to everyone8217;s account to help you know where your new article submissions are at during their journey through our review and quality control process:There are 5 steps each article goes through:Pending Initial Review: Your article has been received and it is waiting for initial editorial review.In Initial Editor Queue: Your article is currently in the Editorial Queue.Pending Quality Control Review: Your article initial review has been completed.In Quality Control Queue: Your article is in final review.Will never get filled in as that means that your article is now live on the site. :)If you use your mouse to hover over the red boxes as they are filled in8230; you8217;ll find little pop up helper tips to remind you about the 5 steps above I just listed.Hopefully this new status update system will let you know where your article submissions are at in terms of review.Any questions?
,Buy Ghd AustraliaForm.Use The Right Pen Name 8211; If you have multiple pen names, be sure that any article being repurposed is published with the same author name consistently across all platforms. If not, readers who see the content on multiple platforms won8217;t know who really wrote the article and your reputation will suffer.Try The WordPress Plugin 8211; The WordPress plugin helps you submit your WordPress blog entries directly to EzineArticles from the WordPress user interface
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